Well, yesterday was busy. I drove the 150 miles back to the Daughters' old apartment to help clean because of a mixup concerning the gas company, the exact address of Younger Daughter's new Cute Career Girl Apartment, and hooking up the gas. She had expected to drive back to her former home yesterday to clean but she had to wait, again, for the man from the gas company to arrive, again. So, off I went to lend a helping hand to her older sister.
The cleaning was cleaning, absolutely unremarkable although I was impressed with all the attachments for the Kirby vacuum. I just wish it wasn't so loud. Mom had one when I was young, and I hated the sound of it and would leave the house (weather and clothing permitting) until she'd finished vacuuming. The noise doesn't hurt like it used to, but it's still noisy. I don't know how the resident felines would feel about a Really Noisy vacuum, although Junk Yard Thug probably wouldn't care -- he loves being vacuumed.
After supper at a local shop that has very good sandwiches, and excellently huge Snickerdoodle cookies (I'd worked up an appetite), we returned to Older Daughter's new apartment to set the Hooligan Dogs free (Princess Dog was with us behaving politely and staying out of the way).
Princess Dog Zena behaving beautifully in the car.
The boys were full of energy and bounced off all the walls, tried for the ceiling, but settled for each other. Ashes, though (on the left), couldn't be bothered with getting completely off the couch.
I was playing with my voice recorder and attracted a bit of attention because the boys were certain I was offering them food. Download DS-10118.wav I probably should have had a treat to reward him with rather than a scratch behind the ears.
Rocco stood up to get a better look at that food-sized-thing I wouldn't give him. Download DS-10127.wav [note: I was informed that it isn't obvious that the underlined "Download . . . .wav " are links to be clicked on; they are. I figured out how to upload sound files, and should you be interested (or not, as the case may be), it is possible to click on the link and hear something that goes with the photo]
After the festivities, I tried driving home, but my tired brain wasn't connecting well with my tired eyes and once I got onto the highway (going east instead of west because I didn't see that "right turn only" lane until after it was too late, and I'd rather turn around than cut across lanes into traffic) it became apparent to me that my night vision wasn't what it should be (very-nearsighted people lose their depth of field easily in the dark). So I went back and spent the night.
(I want to thank whoever pulled Ashes off the bed and sequestered him. Ashes is a fine fellow and I'm honored that he considers me part of his pack, but it was difficult to doze off with him standing on my chest and lapping me in the face.)
This morning after breakfast (during which Rocco did all his tricks one immediately after the other, and without anyone asking him to, in order to earn some of my cereal) I got back into my car and was shepherded to a pit stop at a bookstore for an audio book for the return journey. (The new author I'm listening to is OK as a writer, but the reader should have been as well-schooled in foreign pronunciation as he seems to be in accents; Bayreuth is not pronounced bay-royth; it's buy-royt.) I found the westbound highway, drove, drove, drove, and am now back home and trying to stay awake so I can go to bed at the right time so my body-clock properly re-sets itself.
[For the record, I would like to retroactively apply my blogging to all those "What I did during the summer" essays]